Who is Eric the Juggler?

CirqueWorks is now operated solely by Eric The Juggler, who moonlights as a full time math teacher in Northern British Columbia and tours primarily in the summer months.

Eric The Juggler was originally trained by Buddhist monks in Tibet before touring throughout southeast Asia and Antarctica. Well…not exactly, but he has toured all over Canada, and Canada’s pretty big. A professional entertainer for over ten years, Eric The Juggler proudly makes a living by tossing dangerous objects in front of people’s faces: Fire, knives, double-bladed axes, and naturally, a chainsaw.

Shamelessly fun, his show mixes technical juggling skills with humour, improvisation and audience volunteers who are fearless in front of sharp objects. A man of many talents, Eric The Juggler will also show off his prowess with the diabolo, devilsticks and other items you’ve never heard of before.

One thing’s certain, many an innocent bystander will learn to juggle.



And where can you find him?

Eric The Juggler tours throughout Canada. That means he entertains and runs programs by doing a series of regional tours instead of having a stationary “home base” in one particular city.

Since 2013 Eric The Juggler has been booked from coast to coast and right up north of the 60 degree parallel. Get in touch to find out where he is going next and how you can bring Eric the Juggler to your event!

Here’s an idea of the places Eric The Juggler has been. He has been to many more places than what’s shown here…consider this a little sample.